Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Movie: Prometheus

So, us humans are the product of an ancient race who came to Earth and seeded the place with their DNA and around about 2093 some archaeologists figure out where they came from, and technology has advanced enough the spaceship Prometheus can warp out to whence the star-map says they came.
Only when they get there the welcome aint so hunky-dory.
Noomi Rapace has settled into a better role than the western thing she was in a while back, I hope she carries on as the new "Ripley" in any sequels, the yarn certainly ends leaving an opening for one.
Despite the critics giving this movie a hard time, I liked it. Sci-fi that has an aura of possibility do it for me.
8 out of 10.
Charlise Theron's in here too, exhibiting yet again her versatile cool. I see she's in a remake of Mad Max this year.

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