Thursday, December 26, 2013

Book: Leighton Smith; Beyond the Microphone

Leighton says something like, with the growth of social media, people make a heap of sharp comment that isn't worth reading, none more so than book reviews, so what can I say?
Well, for starters I did enjoy this book. You couldn't say it was high literature, but given his lengthy career in radio, it was a nostalgic commentary of our times, and although I've only been a sporadic listener to his morning talk-back only recent years, its the only talk-back I can be bothered listening to.
I think I get educated by listening, the others are just a load of petty proletariat gripings and platforms for talk-show hosts to mouth their own less educated and formed, and sometimes nasty, opinions. You can chuck sports-talk into this category as well. No search for a solution, most times I'm made to feel better off than any caller, so the ills of the world are all my fault.
In his book Leighton details what amounts to a good life.
He's earned it.
A 5 out of 5 read for me.

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