I went to this movie because the reviewers panned it, comments like "dim-witted alien invasion romp". Others said it was just a pick-up from the arcade game of the same name, which means nothing to me, I've never played it other than the old one that looks a bit like naughts and crosses.
And like so many other panned by the critics movies, I enjoyed it, I was entertained, I got my punter's bobs-worth.
I think these critic guys suffer from intellectual snobbery induced seizure, thinking that a decent shoot em up appeals only to teenage boys, fact is the snobberati have been so talked out of it, that the genre is a raging success anywhere else.
That said, this movie didnt get it quite right, but it was damn close.
This one scored in my book because the aliens were recognisably mammal and humanoid, I mean, bio/evolutionary science has suggested for yonks that protein molecules can only ever come together in the way they do, the way we recognise.
Second, it had a triumphant ending for us guys, and this one included some grudging friendly ethnic rivalry. Stuff the tragedy genre, I want to buy hope with my weekly movie spend, like with lotto, with the will, strength, and ingenuity, to overcome. I'd never bother with re-visiting Titanic, even in 3D, the lesson should have been learned a century ago, only a dick would charge through a field of ice-bergs.
The one area it slipped up was having a hero with mental foibles, they make such problematicly unbelievable leaders in crisis situations, and while the media might take every opportunity to splurge the opposite, I have a lot more respect for the quality of American military leadership than that.
Oh, the eye candy was fantastic in this flick too, Brooklyn Decker, and Rihanna, so maybe I am still a teenage boy, LOL, and yeah, Liam Neeson was nicely cast as the Admiral.
4 out of 5, and stuff the critics.
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